The Vegan Militia

... because we are all made out of meat!

Self-fulfilling stereotype


I’m sitting in a doctor’s waiting room looking at a diet/nutrition magazine, which really seems to be a “how much meat and cheese can we squeeze in and still be healthy” sort of magazine. I just ran into the “special diets bookshelf” section and see a vegan cookbook listed. The reviewer says

… with dozens of recipes each proving that “lactose free,” “ethical” and “environmentally sustainable” are not synonymous with boring or difficult.

If readers weren’t thinking that being a vegan was boring or difficult before they read that, they are now.  Everyone knows that doing ethical or environmentally sustainable things must always take a back seat to taste.  However, if a chef cannot make an interesting or flavorful vegan dish, they are incompetent.  Any moron can throw a slab of flesh onto a plate and and have a flavorful meal.  Many do.

Tags: vegan vegan