This seems to keep happening to me: I get caught up in a lot of other things in life and never quite get around to my blog. Then after a year or so of inactivity, I suddenly remember it, update the software (now running trunk!) and start posting again. Let’s see how long I can keep it going this time. I’ve got a bunch of mostly written drafts in the queue so expect them soon.
I just migrated this site to Laughing Squid’s new cloud hosting and upgraded WordPress. I’ve been hoping to get this blog going again, as I have a bunch of rants bottled up, but it has been a very busy year: My daughter just turned two, we moved across the country last year and the house has needed a lot of work.
I debated setting up separate blogs for the different topics of concern to me, but I figured that’s just too much work, so there will be an odd mix of topics here including: veganism (from an abolitionist viewpoint), bicycling, gardening and various computer programming topics.
Considering this is my first post pretty much since my daughter was born, I’m sure I’m talking to an empty room. That’s ok, I’m used to it. But this post at least will explain the long gap and the change in focus.